APPLE STORE(ifc店)地址,電話,營業時間(圖)-香港-大眾點評網 蚊子說這家是全亞洲最大的蘋果旗艦店,所以一定要來逛。果然裝修得高端大氣上檔次,全落地窗式的設計,光線通透明亮。上下兩層的面積超大,中間還有一個旋轉樓梯通徃二樓。佈局的樣式到是和平時見到的那種蘋果體驗店差不多。
國際金融中心 - 國際金融中心商場 請選擇商戶種類
Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar Before you come in for your appointment, be sure to back up the data on the device that needs help. When you get to the Apple Retail Store, ask a team member ...
hk ifc Apple Store - iPhone 4 Corner - Hong Kong Apple Store Info — News and information about Apple Hong kong ifc mall Apple Store - iPhone 4 Corner ... Apple Store Photo Gallery City Country Description Location/Place State Tags Title hk ifc Apple Store - iPhone 4 Corner Hong kong ifc mall Apple Store - iPhone 4 Corner
International Finance Centre, Hong Kong - IFC - Apple Store, ifc mall (PL1) © 2014 International Finance Centre Management Co., Ltd. Customer Data (Privacy) Policy.
Apple Store Hk Ifc - 相關圖片搜尋結果
香港宗教界大事! IFC Apple Store 開幕! | Daily Jetso 著數網 apple store hk 5830i 開箱 @ ifc com pk loc:TW calaxy note2 香港apple store 香港 apple store 2011 年 09 月 ...
Apple Store Hong Kong Ifc 2 - World News Hong Kong Apple Store at IFC Mall, Apple Store Hong Kong IFC 2, iPhone 5 Launch Day at Apple Store in ...